Non-imaging Data

The non-imaging data is only provided for subjects for whom MR and PIB/PET imaging data were acquired.

These non-imaging data are provided through a subset of the same (CSV) tables that ADNI provides. That is, the AIBL data has been mapped to the ADNI table structure and dictionary. The tables are provided via a date-named zip file.

These tables consist of:

  • demographics (aibl_ptdemog.csv)
  • medical history (aibl_medhist.csv; family histories are not sufficiently well populated to warrant provision)
  • neuropsychology scores (aibl_cdr.csv, aibl_mmse.csv, aibl_neurobat.csv)
  • blood analysis (aibl_apoeres.csv, aibl_labdata.csv)
  • diagnosis (aibl_pdxconv.csv)
  • meta-data describing the imaging acquisitions (aibl_pibmeta.csv, aibl_mri3meta.csv)
  • other (aibl_bslcheck.csv, aibl_registry.csv, aibl_visits.csv)

Because the overlap of AIBL and ADNI is partial, not all tables are provided and not all elements of each table are provided. Any software accessing these AIBL (Australian ADNI) tables should gracefully handle 1) missing tables and 2) missing elements in tables.

Although the ADNI dictionary has been followed as much as possible, the following small number of variations should be noted.

Table Element Description
All SITEID There are only two sites in AIBL (Australian ADNI) and their coded strings are 1 and 2
APOERES APGEN1,APGEN2 Extend to include the rare E1 allele so the allowed set of values is [1,2,3,4] instead of [2,3,4]
PIBMETA PBNMFRAM1 The total number of frames summed to make the provided image
PIBMETA PBDURATN1 The duration of individual frames (seconds) included in the sum.